Disallow This section says something about Phone Number List which files are prohibited, even for bots that do have access to your website. Here you can process a payment system, or other files that contain sensitive information. To indicate how much variation is possible, I have a Phone Number List basic robot.txt file for you and an extended . sitemap.xml After a crawler has looked at what it can and cannot access, it can start scanning the pages on your website. However, the crawler cannot do this Phone Number List completely independently and wants help with this. The best way to do this is to install a proper sitemap – preferably a sitemap.

This sitemap serves as a navigation Phone Number List menu and helps the bot map your website better. Fortunately, you do not need any specific technical knowledge for this part. There are various tools with which you can automatically generate a sitemap. The only thing you Phone Number List need to pay attention to is that you keep your sitemap.xml up-to-date! Index/Noindex Although you can have all the Phone Number List basics set up perfectly, it can still happen that some pages on your website are not indexed at all.

This can often be explained by the fact that Phone Number List a noindex attribute has been added to the relevant pages. By adding this attribute you are telling Google not to index the page. This attribute is for example intended for thank you pages. Think carefully in advance Phone Number List which pages you want to be indexed and which you don't. 2. Divide content into topics Imagine that you are now going to create a new website. Often the mistake is made to write the homepage first and then look Phone Number List at keywords, landing pages and the rest of the website structure.