Taking stock of what has happened in recent months seems almost mandatory on the anniversary of the outbreak of the pandemic, but also in light of the fact that it seems unlikely that a return to normalcy will imminently.

There was almost a kind of magical expectation that once there were vaccines everything would be solved, but reality is much slower than dreams and expectations, which means that things will continue in the limbo created by the coronavirus much more weather. Last Database Companies must take it into account and work with that situation in mind.

But what should we learn from what has happened in the last twelve months and the role that brands have played in it? The lessons serve to understand what to do during the next pandemic months, but also to understand what works for brands and how they should act.

The latest study on the issue is Marketing Through Volatility , which Warc has carried out based on data from the most awarded and outstanding brand campaigns and actions. From their conclusions, the following can be learned.

Urgency makes us more innovative
Curiously, and although it almost had the feeling of being in a kind of apocalypse, the crisis caused many companies to become more innovative. Complex times can thus create spaces for innovation, as they take companies out of their comfort zone.

Successful brands are always authentic
It does not matter what is happening or what they have to face. Successful brands are successful because they are authentic, they know what they are and who they are reaching. During turbulent times, they manage to maintain that authenticity.

Courage is rewarded
Not a few companies have had to be brave and take risks they did not have. Doing so has its rewards. As they conclude in the analysis, the companies that have been awarded the most are, precisely, those that have been the bravest.

The purpose of strong brands is solid and consistent
Or what is the same: 2020 has separated the wheat from the chaff and has shown that the brand purpose must be real and not just public relations smoke. As they explain in the analysis, the last few months have served to prove the authenticity of the brands in terms of purposes and principles. Those brands that have strong intentions have been consistent throughout the year with it.

Marketers, they add in Warc, have confirmed this year the importance of having 'real' purposes to connect with consumers.

There are always opportunities to invest in your brand
In times of crisis, marketers may feel they have to save money and cut back on their investments. However, the facts show that in every context there are opportunities to invest in brand identity and also that companies must. The brands that have fared best in difficult periods are those that have continued to invest in their brand.

If you are a consumer-centric brand, you will be able to respond faster
The crisis has also demonstrated the importance of being a consumer-oriented company, as well as the fact that that orientation is real. Those companies that had a real customer-centric strategy, that put the consumer ahead of the rest and did it sincerely, were the ones that had the easiest response to the challenges of the pandemic.

Companies must be agile
Likewise, the events of the last year demonstrate the importance of agility. Companies must be agile in planning what to do and responding to market challenges. To do this, they have to do a planning job that allows them to cover uncertainties and changes. They must be prepared for the future, whatever it may be.

Success is linked to a database of value
And, finally, the crisis has demonstrated the importance of information, both of having quality data and of being first-hand. Brands cannot wait for others to tell them what to do, but must see what happens based on their own data.